Tuesday, September 29, 2009

About Blank

I had everything but courage. The night crossed with the moon and the stars. I gave a helpless cry. The sound of the cry was dreadful. I was solemnly aghast by the incident. The moment had freezed but I was melting second by second. I let the tears drop from my eyes and kiss my lips. I found it courageous- at least for me. Somatic pain is easy to heal, but it takes time to heal the mental pain. It should not have happened with me. Philosopher's say, time heals everything; I wonder how much time it will take to heal this doleful situation. If I was a conjuror I would not have let the milk spill from the bottle.

I got up and started walking but the thoughts were stagnant. What next?? Where do I go?? Everyplace seemed sojourn. So, I did not stop anywhere and kept walking. The thoughts were still stagnant. I had to do something; stop somewhere for some time. I looked up hoping God would be looking down at me. Suddenly, somebody jolted my hand and took the action of dragging me towards somewhere. I did not question the hand and followed in the direction. Let's see what happens....


rose said...

hmmmm.....and here i was thinkin am confused

chloe said...

urs not to question why,
ours not to reason why,
ours but to do and die.....

and while we are at it, we might as well make the best out of it...
it shudnt have hapnd. Since it did, we might as well have it sunny side up huh...
bounce back.

scarlett thunder.. said...

bounce back, you shall

Keep faith Avanish..

Unknown said...

utterly beautiful avi...
*standing ovation*

Mihir jha said...

Nice write-ups man!!!

Me and some of my friends are gonna start up an online magazine called as "Reader's Quotient:understanding the DNA of society"..

We are gonna have a section there called as "Short Stories"...shall you like to contribute for that :)