Monday, August 10, 2009

The stone..

I was sitting on a stone. The stone was placed on the side of the road. Everytime I passed by the road I noticed the position of the stone changed. So, I got rid of it and tried to see who is the person who changes its place. I had heard that this place is a busy place and the people really dont have time.

I was watching everybody with curiosity waiting for one of them to stop and tell me to get up so that he could change the position of the stone. I thought the stone must be thanking me that today he could just sit in peace for some time instead of regularly being tossed by some random person.

Suddenly, a bunch of boys..oh what do I call them?? Whatever their sex was, they just hovered around me and asked for money. I, with all my courtesy and righteouness opened my wallet and gave 10 ruppees to one of them. As I extended my hand to give the money I saw one hand fished into my wallet and took all the money rested in there. I was shocked and perplexed. All of them walked away happily shouting for some good reason, may be the money made them happy. The next thing I did was, ran after them and held one of them and asked for money. It was a hell out of fight but fruitful, as I got my money back.

Suddenly after putting the money into my wallet I realised that I had left the stone alone to get hit. I ran back to that stone, but alas! the stone was not there where I had left it. somebody had already done his work.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

The tree...

It was bad tree. It kept standing erect and did not shake at all, inspite of me begging him for it. I wanted to listen to the sounds of the leaves when they move with wind. But, that day was not at all windy.

It was a long tree. Rather, I think the tree was not tall but I was small and I compared the height of the tree with mine and declared it to be tall. I was only two seasons old. I had expected the tree to listen to me though. At that age I could barely speak. So, my request for it to shake was in gibberish. I think the tree does not understand gibberish. So, it is not its fault, but it was the situation which played all the game.

But, why did I go to the tree in the first place? Well, my parents had gone to learn driving and left me at home alone. They thought that I too will learn to drive my tricycle. But, I changed the whole schedule and went to the tree with my request which I now think that he did not understand. At least I can give him the benefit of doubt.

Suddenly for no good reason I started laughing. The tree also shook and laughed with me, and gave a sign that it did understand me.

Few minutes later I realised it was time for me to go. is the tree...people laughing...throwing thoughts at my radar, which eventually is challenging me to catch or for that matter, dodge.

Bye, people.

N.P: If you find that tree, say my "Hi" to it!!